Baby Blue
1982 F1 Hybrid. The most compact streptocarpus offered. Light
blue flowers with white throats on small plants; early flowering.
(Butchers cat cover)(AGGS register)
Baby Blood
Compact. Deep red flowers. Late bloomer with medium green
Baby Boy
(J. Kuiper)
Baby Doll
(Kabanovoy / Trofimenko) Delicate and charming. Flowers are large enough structure lepestva dense short erect stalks. Sunny grade!
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
Banana Split
(N. Block) Nice mix of lavender and yellow blossoms, with lavender backed petals. Large grower.
Bandai no Uta
1999 (J. Ford) Top lobes light purple with a dark center vein
as well as less intense veining, lower lobes deeper in color with
deeper veining, white veins in throat. (AGGS register)
1994 (Sorano) Raspberry fuchsia blossoms are flushed with a
yellow throat that is dotted and streaked with maroon. Medium
green compact foliage. (AGGS register)
Barwa Indii
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
(D. Thompson) Bristol's Party Girl x Burgundy Ruffles.
This cross produced what I call the blue sister (Batik), the purple sister (Helter Skelter), and the crazy sister (Spin Art),
all from the same seed pod.
Bavarian Belles
1980-81 Fast bloming, large blossoms, wide color range,
profuse flowering. Requires same conditions as gloxinias. Seed
strain, not a cv. name. (Skidelsky catalog)(AGGS register)
Bed Of Roses
(N. Block) Unique ruffled & curly blossoms often giving the look of small roses. Small to medium grower with dark green slim leaves.
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Light salmon pink with serrated edge, yellow throat. (AGGS)
Believe In Miracles
(N. Block)
(Dibley) This delicately coloured multi-flowering plant will produce a continuous display of flowers for over ten months a year. Moderately compact with strong, upright inflorescences which reach to about 20cm in height.
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
(K. Williams) Rosy purple with deeper veining. (AGGS)
Bermuda Sunset
1999 (J. Ford) Light coral rose , seven dark rose veins
extended from yellow throat onto lower lobes. (AGGS
Berry Shake
1996 (Sorano) Light, burgundy pink blossoms, heavily veined
in dark red. The lower three lobes are heavily blushed deep
burgundy and etched with burgundy netting. Two yellow streaks
accent the burgundy and white throat, medium green foliage.
(Lyndon Lyon catalog)(AGGS register)
Heavily frilled light purple blooms with darker rays on a light throat and lower lobes veined and netted at their edges.
Better Mousetrap
(Dale Martens) ( Enter Laughing x Minuet, ) a purple
version of Enter Laughing
1998 (Dibley hybrid) A similar plant to 'Heidi' but it has
white flowers with the strong deep purple stripe on the lower
lobes. (AGGS register)
1995 (Dibley hybrid) Sky blue upper petals, lower petals
having a tracery of purple overlying the blue. Masses of tightly
clustered flowers above smallish leaves forming a neat plant.
(AGGS register)
1998 No description. (Belisle catalog)(AGGS register)
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
Big J
1995 (J. Ford) Large and vibrant fuchsia-red flowers with
darker veining and white throat with dark red lines and two
yellow lines spilling onto lower lobes. Medium green foliage.
(AGGS register)
Big Yolk
(Toshijiro Okuto) Lavender and white flowers with large
yellow throat.
(N. Block) Red salmon blossoms over beautiful mosaic type
Black Ace
Double medium blue. (Pats pets)
Black Beauty
1999 (Ford) Dark purple/black with a white throat, slightly
ruffled edges. (AGGS register)
Black Berry Brandy
1999 (Ford) Bluish gray with a white blotch extending half
way out of the throat, 12 dark maroon veins extend from throat
onto three bottom lobes, all lobes edged maroon.(AGGS
Black Eye
Black Eyed Peas
(N. Block) Clusters of blossoms with white rays coloring the throat. Loves to bloom. |
Black Eyed Susan
(N. Block) Heavy blooming large
flowered - another of the eye catching Maxx Factor x Joseph's Coat kids.
Black Gardenia
1994 (J. Ford) Many velvety double dark purple flowers. Dark
green, compact foliage. (Violet National catalog)(AGGS
Black Magic
1999 (J. Ford) Velvety dark purple with darker veining on all
lobes, very small lavender center. (Tiki Nursery catalog)(AGGS
Black Magic
1994 (J. Ford) Darkest, velvety purple strep available.
Nearly black in color. Medium green compact foliage. (AGGS
Black Magic Woman
(Nancy Block) Dark black/purple deeply ruffled petals with
serrated edge. Short, strong blossom stems. Vigorous grower
medium-large leaves.
Black Panther
1999 (J. Ford) Dark purple velvet with light purple throat,
two prominent yellow "fangs" inthroat, lightly ruffled. (AGGS
(Block) Another Cape Baby kid.
Blue Beard
1995 (Sorano) Light blue flowers, accented with a white
throat and a broad dark blue beard and blue netting. Medium green
compact foliage. (AGGS register)
Blue Beacon
Blue Bonnet
1999 (J. Ford) Light blue with heavy yellow blotch from
throat onto 3 lower lobes, upper lobes lighter in throat. (AGGS
Blue Boy
1977 Light blue ruffled large flowers, throat white with dark
blue veining. (AGGS register)
Blue Eyes
(N. Block) Absolutely beautiful bouquets of long lasting blossoms. Compact grower.
Blue Filigree
1998 (M. Kartuz) Large netted blue on white background.
Grandiflora. (AGGS register)
Blue Frills
1998 (M. Kartuz) Large netted blue on white background.
Grandiflora. (AGGS register)
(Dibley catalog) A truly double variety with the blue veining on the lower 3 lobes picking up the blue of the upper lobes, the ruffled center petals mirror the blue and cream of the outer lobes. An upright growing variety which has medium/small flowers.
Blue Gem
1995 A truley Miniature streptocaropus. About the size of an
African violet. Small, neat leaves, pale blue flowers with a
yellow eye. (AGGS register)
Blue Heaven
(Ford) Double light blue/dark blue veins, one predominant
vein in center of three lower lobes, white throat/double lavender
center, ruffled edges so the lobes overlap. (AGGS register)
Blue Ice
Large white blooms with medium blue netting on lower lobes.
Blue Ice
Leaves variegated creamy white on green; Large blue flowers.
(AGGS register)
Blue Iceberg
(J. Ford) Light blue with white throat, three light yellow
veins extending from throat onto top two lobes. (AGGS
Blue Lace
(P. Worley) Pure white flowers veined medium blue. (AGGS
Blue Lightning
(Paul Lee) Calyx green, split. 5-12 flowers per peduncle. Corolla salverform, 3 cm long x 4 cm wide, blue. Lower petal protrudes. (S. hybrid x S. 'Achilles') (AGGS)
Blue Mars
Large lavender-blue flowers with dark purple throat; super
bloomer, real showy. (AGGS register)
Blue Moon
A Spontaneous mutant of 'Constant Nymph', darker flowers with
a clear white throat. (AGGS register)
Blue Network
(David Thompson)(The King X Muse), 2005 (2" light blue,
heavily netted with dark blue except on lower halves of upper two
lobes; prolific bloomer)
Blue Nymph
(Broertjes) 1969 A radiation induced mutant of 'Constant
Nymph'. Light blue with dark veination on 3 lower lobes. (AGGS
Blue Streaker
one of the very first of the compact Streptocarpus. It was
produced by (Lyndon Lyon) from the species S. erubescens and S.
cyanandrus, along with hybrids of S. rexii.
Blueberries N’ Cream
(Sorano) Lovely large white flowers with two-tone, dark
purple throat and two golden-yellow dots extending from the
throat. Compact foliage. (Alannah's)
Blueberry Butterfly
(Carolyn Colin-Lane) From a GHA S. kentaniensis hybrid seed
Blueberry Cream
1983 (P. Worley) Small succulent cream, yellow and soft green
variegated leaves. Clusters of blue flowers held well above
foliage. (AGGS register)
Blueberry Lane
1999 (J. ford) Medium blue with white throat, lower three
lobes heavily striped with deep purple, yellow splotches between
first and second as well as second and third stripes. (AGGS
Blueberry Muffin
(Sorano) The three lower lobes are in a rich blue-velvet with
an overlay in purple, with a black throat. The upper lobes are in
a lighter shade of blue with the tips dipped in midnight blue.
Compact grower. (Alannah's)
1999 ( J. Ford) Blue with 12 dark purple veins extending from
throat onto bottom lobes, ruffled edges. (AGGS register)
Blushing Bride
Compact variety with semi-double white flowers, with just a
hint of pink. (AGGS register)
Blushing Ruffles
Soft pink frilled blooms with white-creme throat highlighted by dark raspberry rays.
(Kabanovoy / Trofimenko) Black and purple velvety flowers with thin white border. Superobilnoe early flowering.
(N. Block) Eye popping color and blossom size, a strep that could only be called BODACIOUS!!Medium to large grower - a standout on any shelf.
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
Bossa Nova
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
(D. Downs) White with broad violet edging to all lobes. Similar to ‘Roulette Cherry’and distinct from ‘Roulette Azur’ which is blue. (S. Violet Lace x unknown)(AGGS)
(Dibley hybrid) A white mutation of 'Stella' The large white
flowers have pink veining almost covering the lower three petals.
(AGGS register)
Large deep fuchsia-red flowers with bright yellow throat and
raspberry side stripes on throat. Large medium green foliage.
(AGGS register)
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
(J. Ford) Dark red with white throat, white and yellow
stripes on lower lobes, very fine white edging on all segments.
(AGGS register)
Bright Eyes
(Sorano) Blue flower with a wide yellow throat and yellow
flowing out onto lower petals. Accented with more yellow than
most streps. Medium sized foliage (AGGS register)
Bright Eyes
(N. Block)
Brocade Velvet
Broertjes Mutants
1968 Collective name for artifically induced mutants of
'Constant Nymph' produced at Inst. for Atomic Science in Agric.
Wageningen, Netherlands, 1968, by Broertjes using x-radiation on
leaves with or without colchicine. The named clones are 'Blue
Nymph', 'Cobalt Nymph', 'Mini Nymph' 'Netta Nymph', and 'Purple
Nymph'. (AGGS register)
Brooklins Purple Lace
(B. Williams) 2010 (S. Bristol's Goose Egg x S. The King) (AGGS)
Brown Sugar
(J. Ford) Deep rose with yellow throat, two broad yellow
fangs between lower three lobes. (AGGS register)
(Kabanovoy / Trofimenko) Black and purple velvety flowers with thin white border. Superobilnoe early flowering.
Burberry (338-1)
(Kabanovoy / Trofimenko) Idelnaya varietal characteristics. Structural dense petals, short stalks. Result of inbreeding in selection.
Burgundia (Burgundy)
(V. Paramonov) 2.25” wavy, slightly turned out white
blooms with a heavy cherry veining and speckling. The lower lobe
is slightly elongated. Medium-green slightly wavy leaves with a
toothed edge.
(J. Ford) Two upper lobes white with small dark purple
veining, the bottom three lobes dark purple with heavy white
edge. (AGGS register)
Ruffled white multiflora, lower petals veined and netted deep
burgundy. (AGGS register)
Burgundy Ice
(K. Williams) 2008 Very deep burgundy red with deeper veining seen in certain light, narrow white picotee edging on all lobes, throat white, extending onto lobes. (S. 'Bristol's Red Typhoon' x S. unnamed seedling)(AGGS)
Burgundy Lace
(K. Williams) 2012 White background with heavy burgundy lacing, darkening with age, a dark burgundy “necklace” on the lower lobes. (S. unnamed hybrid x S. 'Ronduls Kristin')(AGGS)
Burgundy Ruffles
(David Thompson)
X Michael), 2003 (2" dark red-purple with unmarked yellow throat;
heavily ruffled)
Butter Blues
(David Thompson)
(Burgundy X Sunsweet), 2003 (2" light blue with broad yellow
throat and purple streaks at lobe bases; prolific bloomer)
Butterfly Effect
(G. Ridderberg) The flower-type is a bit different from
other Streptocarpus Hybrids. Each petal is a bit pointed and the flowers
faced upwards. Many flowers on each stalk. The stalks are long and strong
it looks like the flowers are 'flying like butterflies' over the rosette of
leaves. Heavy bloomer.
Leaves variegated cream and green.(Belisle's catalog) (AGGS
(K. Williams) Dark red with slightly darker veins, white in upper throat. (AGGS)
By Golly
No Description (This plant was exhibited at the AVSC national
show in Toronto, May 1997, grown by Beverly Willieams