Dale's Lost in Space
(D. Martens)
Dale's Polar Berry
(D. Martens) Magenta flowers with darker throat on dark variegated foliage with red-backs.
Dale's Polar Glacier
(D. Martens) Snow white flowers with yellow throat and black-maroon lines on variegated foliage.
Dale's Polar Icicles
(D. Martens) Medium lavender, white throat with nearly black lines on compact variegated foliage.
Dale's Polar Lava
(D. Martens) On awards table at the AVSA 2012 convention. Red flowers with a yellow throat on compact variegated foliage.
Dale's Polar Midnight
(D. Martens) Small growing variegated with bright but dark purple flowers with a white throat.
Dale's Polar Minnows
(D. Martens) Pale lavender, white throat on compact variegated foliage.
Dale's Polar Rubies
(D. Martens) Dusty red flowers on compact variegated foliage.
Dale's Scarlet Macaw
(D. Martens) An abundance of bright red 1-1/2 inch wide, 2
inch long flowers, yellow fading to cream centers. Large leaves
around 6 inches wide, 14 inches long (easily trim down to 10
Dale's Polar Watercolor
(D. Martens) Pale lavender with darker lines radiating from the center on variegated foliage.
(J. Ford) Medium dark purple, center with yellow stripes
speckled with dark purple. (AGGS register)
Dancing Bees
(Sorano) Small lavender-blue flowers have white throats
kissed with yellow. The bottom three lobes are blushed with deep
blue, topped with even deeper blue streaks and veining. Medium
green compact foliage. (AGGS register)
(Mikkelsens) Bluish pink flowers with yellow throat and dark
magenta veins on the lower petals. Compact growth habit. Very
floriferous. (AGGS register)
(Dibley hybrid) Free flowering variety with large pastel blue
flowers; yellow flashes in throat. Fairly compact with a neat
Dark Desire
Huge, deep velvety purple blooms have a hint of black
throughout the petals. White upper throats have magnifying
amounts of lavender, blushing the lower blotchy throats. (Lyon
Dark Eyes Mary
(K. Jones) Low clean growing rosette. Deep mauve with purple
veining on the three lower lobes, two white marks in throat.
Stems darker than other varieties.(AGGS register)
Dark Nymph
(M. Dekking) Small very dark blue flower. (AGGS
Dark Secret
(C. Rose) Pale violet blue, center of lobes paler whitish
violet with a fairly strong yellow band between the central five
vein lines, slightly darker network of violets veins on lower
lobes. Dark glossy, red purple back to leaves and spire like
arrangement of flowers in 180 degree offset pairs up quite
verticle peduncles. Blooms well, 8-9 peduncles per leaf under
windowsill conditions. (AGGS register)
Dark Shadow
(Sorano) Reddish purple blossoms are drenched in a deep
burgundy-black, within the throat, dripping onto the lower
petals. Medium green foliage. (AGGS register)
(Kabanovoy / Trofimenko)
Dawid T
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
Deanie's Blue Thunder
(E. Underhill)
Deanie's Dream
(E. Underhill)
Deanie's Jane Marie
(E. Underhill) Large 2 1/2-3 3/4" (6-7cm) white with a slightly greenish shadows on the petals flowers. Wide blurred purple stripes go from the throat to the lower petals. Vivid green quilted shiny foliage.
Deanie's Raspberry Frost
(E. Underhill)
Deanie's Sweet Marie
(E. Underhill)Scented. White lightly frilled flowers. Bottom
lobes are veined with deep watermelon red with just a touch of
veining on the top petals.
Dear Charlene
(Sorano) Medium pink blooms have upper petals heavily netted
in shades of deep dark rose, the lower petals are totally covered
in velvety looking, dark rose, well into throat. Light maroon
markings within the throat, plus a thin pink edge around lower
lobes. (AGGS register)
(Dibley) Exceptionally free flowering. Intense two tone violet-blue flowers, the lower lobes have such a depth of colour they appear like velvet; truly a stunning variety.
Deep Dark Secret
(Dibley) The flowers are a clear white with a soft tracery of hyacinth-blue veins on the lower lobes. A very free flowering variety, the flowers will smother this plant creating a big ball of colour.
(Oglevee list) Small violet flowers. Compact habit. (AGGS
DEO-Red Dragon
(O. Aksenkina) Very large crimson-red flowers.
Designer Genes
(N. Block) Purple blossoms with darker purple lines and
netting on all petals. White "feathered" petal edges. Sunny
yellow throat and rays. Long lasting blooms.
Designer Gown
(David Thompson) Fuchsia-purple pours out from the throat onto the lower lip of this pure white flower, eventually forming a purple network toward the edges. This is one of my most prolific-blooming streps. (2008).
Designer Threads
(K.Estridge) A wonderfully heavy bloomer that is fashioned with bright white single to semidouble beautifully frilly blossoms, with bright candy pink on the bottom three lobes that then forms a wide edge of webbing on the bottom three petals, and a smaller webbed edge on the upper petals. Dashes of yellow accent the throat.
The multitude of blossoms are carried high on strong stems above the medium green foliage.
Diamond Dust
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
(Mikkelsens) Light pink flower with magenta throat and
streaking on the lower petals. Compact growth and numerous flower
stems. (AGGS register)
Profuse bloming medium lavender purple flowers. (Belisle's
catalog)(AGGS register)
Different Drummer
(Nancy Block) The first of what I call my "Dilute," series.
Streps that open as dark solids/ in a few days are "watered
down," to unusual lighter colors with dark edging. All this and
variegated foliage too. Large grower.
Dime A Dance
(Nancy Block) Deep magenta pink flowers,lighter upper petals,
& darker veining on all.,with feathered edges. White throat, and
petal backs. Heavy bloomer, long lasting blossoms. Large rosette
form, medium green leaves.
Tall stems on a medium sized plant hold these strong purple
flowers in an attractive cluster above the leaves. A blotch of
darker purple in the centre of the flower gives an unusual star
shape which leads into a cream throat. (2005
Dinky Di
(G. Ridderberg). Soft blue/purple colors, like it is painted in
watercolor with a yellow center.
(D. Thompson)
Double Feature
(N. Block) Semi-double blossoms. (Double the Pleasure x Party Boy)
Double J
(J. Ford) Large velvety deep purple double flowers. Medium
green compact foliage. (AGGS register)
Double Peppermint Candy
(J. Ford) Double white upper lobes, lobes lower white with
solid red markings basally and heavy red veins extending toward
edges of lobes. (AGGS register)
Double Raspberry Parfait
(J. Ford) Double Pink with darker pink on three lower lobes,
white edges on all lobes. (AGGS register)
Double Scoop
(Dale Marten's) Double white flowers with irregular pink
markings. (lsavc)
Double The Pleasure
(Dale Martens) Dark purple and white, semi-double flowers on
a compact-growing plant.
Double Trouble
(J. Ford) Double dark blue with light blue veining on upper
two lobes and darker veining on lower lobes. (AGGS register)
Double Vision
(D. Martens) Double white with lots of dark lavender
coloration. (lsavc)
Doubly Delicious
(D. Martens) Double lavender with darker markings.
Dracula's Shadow
(D. Thompson) 2007, Striking, dark blue-purple blossoms
tipped with a pencil thin white edge. Huge, ruffled, near-black,
sister to Azure Giant! Popular. A great plant.
(Nancy Block) Compact, extremely heavy bloomer, long lasting blossoms. (Cape Baby x Fernwoods Minuet)
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
(Charles Lawn ) Australia. Large white blossoms ,sunny yellow from throat, lavender lines mark most petals. Coloring richest when buds first open. Long Lasting flowers, held upright.
(J. Ford) Semi-double light purple bloom with white throat
striped purple. (AGGS register)
(Sorano) Medium blue blossoms, having yellow throats, are
marked with thin, purple stripes. The foliage is small, medium
green in color. (AGGS register)