I would like to thank Frank Davies for taking the time to provide us with pictures as well as letting us know what streps are truly 'Franken' streps.
It seems many people are adding the name Franken on to streps they are trading/selling. Please don't call them by 'Franken' unless you are 100% sure that it was hybridized by Frank Davies and Ken Jones TOGETHER. There are a few hybrids by each of these wonderful hybridizers that are separate from the 'Franken' streps and should not be called such. Please visit the Streptocarpus Society by clicking here.
Franken Alison |
(Frank Davies / Ken Jones) Flower white with yellow in throat. Slight patterning on lower 3 lobes, pink lines to throat.(British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Beverly Ruth |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Lilac netting over a white background. (Oakland Nerseries) |
Franken Blackberry Lace |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Very dark markings on a white background, dark blue going into very nearly black. |
Franken Blue Ice |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Flowers open white turning to light blue.(Oakland Nurseries) |
Franken Bluebird |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Flower mid-blue, yellow throat
extending to lower lobes with baring into throat. (British Strep
Society newsletter)
Franken Blushing Pink |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Pink blush with darker veining into throat. (Oakland Nurseries) |
Franken Border Line |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Deep purple heavily netted over
white, with definite white edging to flowers.(British Strep
Society newsletter)
Franken Brimstone |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Bright reddish pink, darker towards
center, some yellow in throat. (British Strep Society
Franken Bungundy Lady |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones)
Franken Carolyn Ann |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) Rosey pink flowers, fused red bars with
yellow showing through in the throat.(British Strep Society
Franken Christine |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) |
Franken Clover Pixie |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) |
Franken Copper Knob |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Deep brownish pink/red unusual
copper coloration. Does not like a lot of water. (British Strep
Society newsletter)
Franken Dainty Lady |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Flower blue netting and spotting
with darker marking in center of lower lobes on a white
background, tall grower. (British Strep Society newsletter)
Franken Doreen |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) |
Franken Dreamtime |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones)~NEW~ Very dark almost black with a yellow tie in the throat. (British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Elegance |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) Mauve fading to white throat with a
tinge of yellow. (British Strep Society newsletter)
Franken Ella Mae |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Raspberry coloured, with fused
baring in throat with deep yellow up to edge of lower lobes,
lotes of flowers. Needs very little water.(British Strep Society
Franken Ida |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) Dark velvety mauve (nearly black) with yellow centre. (Oakland Nurseries) |
Franken Isabella |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) ~NEW~ Large yellow throat surrounded by light purple, dark bars in throat. (British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Izzy |
(F. Davies/ K. Jones) Dark blue bottom 3 petals, top 2 petals are pale lilac. (Oakland Nurseries) |
Franken Jane Elizabeth |
(F. Davies/ K. Jones) Mauve slightly fringed edges, bright
yellow throat. (British Strep Society newsletter)
Franken Jenny |
(F. Davies/ K. Jones) |
Franken Kelly |
(F. Davies/ K. Jones) ~New~ Blue with a large yellow throat,
dark markings. (British Strep Society newsletter)
Franken Kerry's Gold |
(F. Davies, K. Jones) Medium sized rosette. Leaves medium green. Peach-salmon pink with maroon barring and yellow throat. (AGGS Register) |
Franken Kisie |
(F. Davies/ K. Jones) Bright mauve, dark purple bars in throat. (Oakland Nurseries) |
Franken Laura Ellis |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) |
Franken Lilac Lace |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) |
Franken Maiden's Blush |
(F. Davies, K. Jones) Medium sized rosette. Leaves smooth, medium green. White with yellow throat and a mauve blush on each side of center. (AGGS Register) |
Franken Misty Blue |
(F. Davies, K. Jones) Very pale blue (misty) with slightly darker lines. (British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Misty Pink |
(F. Davies, K. Jones) Very pale pink, a sport off 'Franken Misty Blue'.(British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Modbury Lady |
(F. Davies/ K, Jones) Candy pink creamy yellow throat with
fine cerise lining. (British Strep Society newsletter)
Franken Mulberry Lady |
(F. Davies, K. Jones) ~NEW~ Mulberry red/brown netting on a white background, slow grower. (British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Nita |
(F. Davies/ K. Jones) Blue/mauve on white background. (Oakland Nurseries) |
Franken Pink Ice |
(F. Davies, K. Jones) ~NEW~ Starts off white turning to pale pink with age.(British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Pixie |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) |
Franken Purple Haze |
(F. Davies/ K. Jones) Pale purple suffused & netted on white background. (Oakland Nurseries) |
Franken Raspberry Dream |
(F. Davies, K. Jones) Outer lobes pink, white front edge of
throat deepening to raspberry pink in the throat.(British Strep
Society newsletter)
Franken Ruffels |
(F. Davies, K. Jones) |
Franken Samantha |
(F. Davies/ K. Jones) Dark red/brown flowers with slight white edge. (oaklandnurseries) |
Franken Shiela Emily |
(Frank Davies, Ken Jones) |
Franken Sygnet |
(Frank Davies, Ken Jones) |
Franken Spider |
(F. Davies/ K. Jones) Blue netting on a white background. (Oakland Nurseries) |
Franken Stacey |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) Deep mauve heavily netted over white with yellow throat. (Oakland Nurseries)(British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Strawberry Fondant |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones) Strawberry pink with dark center,
good show plant.(British Strep Society newsletter)
Franken Sygnet |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) |
Franken Tartan Blue |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones)Flower pale blue overlaid with deeper blue veining, pink area from throat edge to edge on lower lobe, throat white with some lines.(British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Terracotta |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) Terracotta pink/red with darker throat stripes. (Oakland Nurseries) |
Franken Texas Sunrise |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones/Dale Martens) A good salmon pink with yellow in the throat.(British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Texas Sunset |
(Frank Davies/Ken Jones/Dale Martens) A pale salmon pink with three bars in the throat.(British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Vanessa |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) |
Franken Velvet Lady |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) ~NEW~ Velvet netted with darker edge, slow grower.(British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Vicki |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) ~NEW~ Purple half netted on top two lobes with full color on bottom 3 lobes.(British Strep Society newsletter) |
Franken Violet Pixie |
(F. Davies/K. Jones) |