| Hamachidori |
(Japan) |
Hamlet (6077)
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.

(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
 | Hand Painted |
(Sorano) White blossoms are hinted with just a kiss of frills on the petal edges. the yellow painted throat is lightly sketched with purple veining that travels onto lower lobes. Medium green foliage. (AGGS Register) |
 | Hannah |
(Dibley) The flowers are pale pink when they are first open, darkening to a mid pink after a couple of days. The throat is a strong yellow which extends over the lower lobes, overlaid with 7 short purple lines. The habit is very similar to its sister plant 'Hope'. (Introduced 2009) RHS Award of Merit and Certificate of Cultural Commendation. |
 | Hannah Ellis |
(C. Rose) Purple aging to near purple, lower lobes darker and redder than red-purple, aging to a darker and redder than red-purple, lower lobes with distinct pale edge. Full network of fine veins on all lobes, somewhat obscures on lower ones. Red purple fleck-blotched markings on three golden yellow bands in white throat. (AGGS Register) |
 | Happy Girl |
(J. Ford) Light pink with dark purple "tongues" and veining on lower three lobes, top lobes solid pink. (AGGS Register) |
 | Happy Snappy |
(J. Ford) Unusual watermelon pink color, ruby stripes on yellow splashes in throat. (AGGS Register) Stunning deep red blooms with yellow throat and dark red veining. (AGGS Register) |
 | Happy Snowflake |
(J. Ford) White with pink veins in yellow throat, very heavy bloomer. (AGGS Register) |
 | Happy Time |
(Sorano) Reddish lavender-orchid blossoms, blushing a lavender blue on the lower lobes, and sporting a cream color throat accented yellow with dark maroon stripes. Compact green foliage. (AGGS Register) |
 | Happy Time |
(J. Ford) Medium mauve-purple with dark reddish-purple veining on throat. Excellent compact foliage. (AGGS Register) |
 | Happy Time Gal |
(J. Ford) Orchid-rose with dark burgundy stripes in yellow throat. (AGGS Register) |
 | Harlequin Blue |
(Dibley) A stunning new variety with short flower stems and compact leaves. The yellow lower lobes of the flower stay a strong colour for many days whilst contrasting beautifully with the baby blue upper lobes. The deep purple lines
on the throat and between the two colours define the colour contrast.PBR Applied for.
'Harlequin Blue' named RHS Chelsea Plant of the Year 2010 ***and RHS Chelsea plant of the decade (May 2013)*** |
 | Harlequin Damsel |
(Dibley) A free-flowering variety which has up to 10 large flowers per stem; short in habit with flowers of multi-coloured veining over a white background. This is another variety with a flowering season of up to 10 months each year. |
 | Harlequin Dawn |
(Dibley) |
 | Harlequin Delft |
(Dibley) |
 | Harlequin Lace |
(Dibley) Lovely shaped plant with compact leaves and flower stems but large flowers. The flowers have
beautiful violet-blue lace patterns on the lower three lobes on a yellow background, whilst the upper
lobes are a contrasting pale blue. Very free flowering for 10 months of the year. Plant Breeder Rights applied for. |
 | Harlequin Purple |
(Dibley) A medium/compact variety which is free flowering for up to 8 months of the year, and up to 6 flowers per stem. The flowers are flat faced with plum-purple upper lobes contrasting with yellow lower lobes. A very distinct flower. |
 | Harlequin Ruby |
(Dibley) Short growing with a multi-flowering habit; the flowers have white upper lobes with strongly contrasting red-purple lower lobes (introduced 2013) |
 | Harlequin Sapphire |
(Dibley) A medium sized plant which produces flowers for a good ten months a year, each flower stem having between 4-8 flowers. The flowers have white upper lobes with deep violet-blue lower lobes (introduced 2013) |
 | Hayley |
(Dibley) A short variety which has a large number of flowers, up to 10 per stem. Bright violet blue flowers with deeper
violet lines coming out of the centre onto the lower lobes. Dark leaves which form a neat rosette. |
Heajnal (5015)
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
 | Heart to Heart |
(N. Block) Another true "dilute" blossoms
that starts out a drab russet-red,and 'waters' down to elegant red edging
and markings over variegated foliage.
 | Heartbreaker |
(Lyndon Lyon catalog) Rosy, fuchsia-pink flowers have deep white throat accented with stripes of light wine, plus veining. compact green foliage. (AGGS Register) |
 | Heartland's Baby Bluebirds |
(D. Martens) An abundance of tiny 1 inch
wide, 1 inch long mauve-blue flowers with black-blue throat. Leaves
3-3/4 inches wide and 12 inches long. (Gator's Tail x S.
 | Heartland's Baby Egrets |
(D. Martens) 2010 Best Streptocarpus at the Gesneriad convention. Compact in size with S. lilliputana as the grandparent.
 | Heartland's Baby Kisses |
(D. Martens) Compact in size; grows in a starfish shape; S. meyeri x S. lilliputana.
 | Heartland's Baby Starfish |
(D. Martens) Mauve to reddish-purple blooms over small growing, quilted foliage. (violetbarn.com)
 | Heartland's Bonfire |
(D. Martens)
 | Heartland's Boyish Grin |
(D. Martens) compact; Fernwood's Silhouette x self
 | Heartland's Cardinal |
(D. Martens) Standard; S. meyeri hybrid.
 | Heartland's Glacier |
(D. Martens) Small standard; Fernwood's Minuet x Double Scoop.
 | Heartland's Hot Salsa |
(D. Martens) Around 9 Crimson flowers per
stem, 2 inches wide, 2-1/4 inches long. Large leaves 6 inches wide
14 inches long (easily trim down to 10 inches). |
 | Heartland's Karyn |
(D. Martens) An abundance of tiny 1 inch wide, 1
inch long, magenta with bluish overcast flowers. Leaves 3-3/4 inches
wide and 12 inches long. (Gator's Tail x S. pole-evansii)
 | Heartland's Midnight Sun |
(D. Martens) Lavender with a yellow center with red streaks coming out of the center like rays.
 | Heartland's Peacock |
(D. Martens) Fluted, semidoulbe blue blooms with white backs. Compact, serrated, foliage. (violetbarn.com)
 | Heartland's Perfume |
(D. Martens) Scented flower 2 inches wide, 2-1/2
inches long. Leaves 6 inches wide, about 14 inches long. Background
includes scented S. candidus and scented S. vandeleurii.
 | Heartland's Scentiment |
(D. Martens) Scented flower 2-3/4 inches
wide, 2-1/2 inches long. Leaves 7 inches wide, about 11 inches long.
Background includes scented S. candidus and scented S. vandeleurii. |
 | Heartland's Singing Guppies |
(D. Martens) Around 14 mauve-pink
flowers per stem, only 3/4 inche wide, 1-1/2 inches long. Large
leaves around 6 inches wide, 12 inches long (easily trim down to 10
 | Heartland's Snow Crystal |
(D. Martens)
Large, lightly fluted, semidouble crystal-white blooms. Medium green foliage. Good grower and bloomer. (violetbarn.com)
 | Heartland's Snowbaby |
(D. Martens) Compact size, variegated. Fernwood's Silhouette x self.
 | Heartland's Snowbunny |
(D. Martens)
Tiny plant with small white flowers having dark purple throat. Miniature. (violetbarn.com)
 | Heartland's Tanzanite |
(D. Martens) Small standard; Fernwood's Minuet x Nerys.
 | Heartland's Tipsy |
(D. Martens) standard; white with pinkish-wine netted tips.
 | Heartland's White Gold |
(D. Martens) This is one of Dale Martens' first seedlings in her attempt to create more compact streps using Fernwood's Minuet as a parent.
 | Heaven Scent |
(Jeff Smith)This is an F1 hybrid of 'Helen' (Possible Helena?) X S. vandeleurii. The flowers are scented. That trait comes from the species plant. 'Heaven Scent' is a large grower. It often starts out as a unifolia grower, but will develop side leaves as the plant ages. Small leaves often form on the flower stalks so its easy to take off a leaf and start a new plant. I've had one specimen bloom non-stop for over a year. The amount of yellow in the throat is variable and probably changes with growing conditions.
(Jeff Smith) |
 | Heavenly Blue |
 | Heidi |
A lovely clear blue with distinctive deep purple markings on the lower petals. Upright habit. (AGGS Register) |
 | Helen |
(A.G. Brown) Free flowering plant with pastel blue flowers. (AGGS Register)
A free flowering plant with tall stems and pastel blue flowers. A good strong variety. (A John Innes variety) (Dibleys.com) |
 | Helena |
(Oglevee catalog) Especially showy with red purple flowers marked by darker stripes accented by two yellow stripes. Compact-medium growth habit. (AGGS Register) |
 | Helios |
(Oglevee) Olympus series, white with purple throat. |

Helter Skelter
(D. Thompson)Bristol's Party Girl x Burgundy Ruffles.
 | Hera |
(Oglevee list)(Olympus Series) Flower color carmine, flower size medium, growth habit medium. (Oglevee site) (Belisles) Blossom is red/lighter center, white edge. (AGGS Register) |
 | Here Comes the Sun |
(N. Braun) 1 �" flower with medium lavender upper lobes. Yellow lower lobes with lavender striations and edging. Very heavy bloomer. Medium grower. |
 | Hero No Mizu |
 | Hidaka Komachi |
(Okuto) |
 | Himekami no Uta |
(Okuto) |

(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.

(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
 | Hisayo |
Japan |
Holka (6041)
(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.

(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
 | Holy Smoke |
 | Hooley Dooley |
 | Hope |
(Dibley) The flowers are a rich velvety red/purple with two strong yellow flashes in the throat. A medium/compact variety which is very free flowering for over 10 months of the year. The leaves are mid-green and reasonably compact. Introduced 2009. RHS certificate of preliminary commendation. |

(Piotr Kleszczynski) Poland.
 | Hot Flash |
(N. Block) Hot blossoms over cool variegated foliage. |
 | Hot Ticket |
(David Thompson) (Suzie X Lemon Drop), 2003 (2" hot pink with yellow and white throat; one of the brightest streps known) |
 | Hot Time Tonight |
(N. Block) Color not accurate in photo. Ruffled blossoms, upper petals pale pink with touches of white & magenta.Lower petals rich magenta with some darker lines, light pink edging. Sometimes has extra petals, giving a "snapdragon" look to blossoms. Large, medium green foliage.
 | Hot Toddy |
(Lyndon Lyon catalog) Hot reddish-pink flowers sport large amount of white in the throat colored with pale maroon blotches. Medium green foliage. (AGGS Register) |
 | Hototogisu |
From Japan |

Hugo Boss
(Kabanovoy / Trofimenko) Variety with no faults! Huge, round, blue flowers with a carved edge. Peduncles powerful bloom early and plentiful. Unpretentious variety withstands heat and low temperatures. Our favorite, the descendant varieties Cerruti!

(Kabanovoy / Trofimenko) Auto series. Flowers very large, deep blue with a light neck and black rays on the lower petals. Abundant flowering.