Streptocarpus-info was created to be an online reference for streptocarus enthusiasts. Pictures are donated by wonderful growers willing to donate them for our personal use. Thank you to all that take the time to send in pictures/descriptions for all of our use.
These pictures are available ONLY for your personal use NOT COMMERCIAL USE. Links from Ebay or any other commercial site are NOT permitted as this IS commercial use. All pictures and graphics are the property of the respective owner © All rights reserved. If you would like to look over the current copyright laws please visit this link. Click here.
So far.....
~New Hybrids and Pictures~
12-21-2015 Updated the Dimetris streptocarpus table.
12-20-2015 Added Nancy Brauns hybrids 'Vieve, Cherry Bombe, Femme Fatale and Icing on the Cake.
11-28-15 Added AB Hybrids (Andrew Vaganov and Victor Tsepilov) from Russia
6-29-14 Added Paramonov table.
6-2-14 Added UA hybrids by Julia Sklyarova, Ukraine.
6-2-14 Added table TSF hybrids by Tsentr Fialki, Russia.
5-29-14 Added several David Thompson Hybrids
5-24-14 Added 94 Russian Hybrids translated by google to English.
5-19-14 Added Exotic Lady, Exotica, Here Comes the Sun, Sweet Treat and Tutti Frutti by Nancy Braun.
5-10-14 Added a new page for streps hybridized by Jana L�balov� (JL hybrids) 183 of them. :)
Added hybrids by Ivana Malovan�kov�! (IM hybrids) 22 of them.
Updating the 'Dimetris' Streps
Added Neil's, Somerset and the new polish hybrids from Piotr Kleszczynski.
None at this time. If you see anything that is not correct please contact me and let me know. Thank you!
I wanted to extend a big Thank You to all who have donated pictures and descriptions to this site! Also to all those that donate what you can to keep us up and running for every ones use. I appreciate your help VERY much!